Contunuing my series of posts on awesome, indispensible Vim plugins, today let’s meet vim-surround! Vim-surround allows you to manipulate text/tags/quotes that surround a chuck of code.

Delete Surroundings with ds*

Delete the <h3> tag:


<h3>Welcome to Snarnia!</h3>

command to run with cursor anywhere on the line (even in tag.)



Welcome to Snarnia!

Change Surroundings with cs*

Change "Hello, Bossy" to <q>Hello, Bossy</q> with:


Add Surrounding text with ys*

Adding text makes use of vim’s yanking word movements. Suppose you want to add, quotes around a sentence:


I'm a monster, as well as a dwarf. You should charge me double.

--Tyrion Lannister

Command, on same line as quotation:



"I'm a monster, as well as a dwarf." You should charge me double."

--Tyrion Lannister

I have found vim-surround especially helpful when editing html.

Manipulate outer tags

One more tip for manipulating outer tags: add a numeric argument to work on outer tags.


In order to delete the <div> tag while in a list item in the code up above, type: ds3t and that will delete the tag 3 layers up.

