Games Played

Tuesday, March 26th


Gabi: 146
Bart: 144
Steven: 107

Seamus congratulates Gabi on the first win of SeamusCon 2019.

Thursday, March 28th

Orleans, Invasion coop

Alex, Bart and Steven played and lost. We needed 1 more coin and 5 more knights. Lesson learned: never leave the placing the knights on the wall for the final round :)

So close… :’(

Friday, March 29th


Bart: 171
Gabi: 132

Closer than the score lets on. Gabi and I both enjoyed the game. This was my only win of SeamusCon.

Movie: Captain Marvel

Samuel L. Jackson and Goose the Orange Tabby were an amazing comedy duo.

Saturday, March 30th

Star Trek: the Next Generation Fluxx

Bonnie, Steven and I are big trekkies and we loved this game! Steven and Bonnie each won a game.

Sunday, March 31st

Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport

Gabi: 202* wins on most money tie-breaker
Kelvin: 202
Matt: 184
Bart 182
Steven: 174

Matt stockpiling all the adventurers, scored 3 big quests back to back to back.

Fun game, granted a 5 player game with both expansions can go a bit long. Gabi and Kelvin tied at 202. I’ve never heard of tie in this game. I believe it was Gabi’s first time playing a worker placement game too.

We built 16 buildings! The stone house paid out 16 coins for each activation. :)

Star Trek: the Next Generation Fluxx

Steven won again with the above 5 players playing.

Raiders of the North Sea

Gabi: 43
Bart: 40
Steven: 31
Matt: 28

Everyone’s first time playing Raiders of the North Sea. We all really enjoyed playing with this variation of the worker placement mechanism.

Uh oh! What’s that Grey Meeple doing at the Fortress?!